Check Your Hours

Below you will find the most up-to-date record of your BAP service hours. The Candidate requirements for hours are as follows:

Professional Hours (minimum 12 hours required)

  • Weekly BAP Meetings (no limit): All regular Wednesday night meetings count toward your professional hours.
  • Other BAP Professional (no limit): These hours include professional activities and events hosted by BAP other than the weekly meetings.
  • Non-BAP Professional (limit 5 hours): These hours include all other professional events and meetings not hosted by BAP, such as firm office visits, non-BAP resume workshops, or coffee/lunch/dinner with professionals.

Community Service Hours (minimum 12 hours required)

  • Tutoring (minimum 10 hours): As a BAP candidate or member, you are required to tutor ACTG211 & ACTG213 students for 1 hour each week. These hours count towards your community service hours.
  • Other BAP Community Service (no limit): These hours include any community service events or activities hosted by BAP, such as Relay-for-Life or the various auctions we help out with.
  • Non-BAP Community Service (limit 5 hours): This includes all other community service events or activities not hosted by BAP, scheduled on your own.

Affiliate Members: You must have at least 20 hours to maintain membership with 15 hours in professional 5 hours of community service. *Affiliate Members are not required to tutor.

Candidates: You must have at least 32 hours, with a minimum of 12 hours in both professional and community service, to become a member.

Members: You must have at least 32 hours to maintain membership with 12 hours in both professional and community service.

(Minimum Hour Requirement)ProfessionalCommunity Service
Affiliate Member155

IMPORTANT: Even if you have already met your hour limit for each section, or reached your overall hour requirement, please continue to submit your hours. It helps the Epsilon chapter maintain its superior status (which helps you too!). Submit your hours HERE.

Distinguished Members: (Optional) A higher hour requirement for both candidates and initiated members. Please see the How to Become a Distinguished Member page. Only Distinguished Members are allowed to wear Beta Alpha Psi honor cords at graduation. See our Distinguished members HERE.